Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What to eat today?

Last night I went to see FOOD, INC with my amigos. It is a shocking and one-sided documentary exposing the darkness of food production for a capitalistic society. I never thought that raising and slaughtering animals was an appealing process to watch, but mass raising and slaughtering.......uck, I am sure glad that I was in a movie theatre so I could close my eyes and smell popcorn not cow excrement and amonia.

I thought that I might become vegetarian after watching the movie; however, they also featured a segment on the monopoly of soybean production and how one seed company is blacklisting and filing suits against certain farmers for not complying exactly to their seed patent. They send out a team of 75 investigators all over the country to make sure that farmers are not keeping seed for the next year and they also have a hotline that farmers to call to report other farmers for violating seed patents. Sounds a little fascist to me. Like I said earlier, the movie was a little one-sided. So now after being frustrated with the whole American food system, I can no longer just peacefully eat my cereal in the morning. I am sure I will be over it in a few weeks.
I think one of the most sad parts of the movie documented a mother who lost her 2 year-old child from eating a hamburger infected with a strain of e-coli bacteria, and now she can not even say a negative thing about meat because of Veggie-liable laws that prevent people from degrading the name cattle farms and slaughter houses even if it is just a personal opinion. Legislation also prevents any photographs to be published of the industrial slaughtering process. I am not exactly sure how the movie is not racked with lawsuits.

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